So you think you’re a rocket scientist!  Well you may very well be and thats great if you’re working on rockets, but what if you’re having a problem with your computer?  If all you know is that the dang thing just isn’t working right and haven’t a clue where to begin to fix you’re not alone!

That’s the situation for the vast majority of people (it’s a very big boat), and don’t get me wrong but how many of you actually fix your own vehicles?  Most people aren’t mechanics and that’s how you should think about your computer too - sometimes you just need a specialist.

If you have a question about your system, or whether you need it fixed, parts added, parts replaced, configured to talk to other computers, printers, routers, wireless or more, software installed or configured or you need some hands on training in order to establish a comfort level using the many programs out there then you’ve come to the right place.

Contact me and let’s take care of your computer needs.